Customer of the MonthJuly

Vinny Famularo


Jully 2021 is July 2018.

When I introduced Vinny as our Athlete of the Month (again), I wanted to do it in front of a big group. So the packed out Saturday class a couple weeks ago was the perfect opportunity. What I said that day after a sweat partner workout will continue to hold true for everyone. You don’t have to stop working hard once you earn something. Vinny was our 2018 July honor and I have resisted repeating someone for a while. Coach Ryan asked if we can give Vinny the honor this month without knowing Vinny held the title three years ago. I reflected on it and decided let’s do it. He has worked his ass off since 2018 and keeping seeking ways to improve. Aside from the growth mindset you will realize when you read his answers below, Vinny came to the gym needing a change I would say mentally more than physical. He has grown in both areas tremendously and is no longer someone who needs to be ‘checked’ on and held accountable to consistently show up. He is the guy who makes sure his fellow members get to class and put in the work, one of them being his sister who he encouraged to join. Vin fell into a bit of slump during the pandemic when he was frustrated and discouraged because his routine was disrupted. It took a little bit once we were back in the parking lot for classes but he found his groove and spark again. Vinny dealt with injury and trusting the process to return to 100% activity. Make sure you read his words of advice is you have found yourself sidelined in some way. I’ve given Vinny compliments in the last few months and heard multiple members comment on how much he has improved and/or his body composition has changed. Hard/consistent work really does pay off. He dedicated himself to the competition specialty class and took that a bit further to working on some extra skills after class a couple days a week. It’s not shocking that I saw him walk across the floor on his hands. He is putting in the work. I am happy to give Vinny the first ever repeat Athlete of the Month. 
Be smart. 
Rest when you feel you can use it. 
Trust the process. 
Have fun!

Written by: Coach Rob Moloney



How long have you been training at Island Park Fitness?
Three years and four months.

How has your habits inside and outside the gym changed since 2018 when you first were honored Athlete of the Month?
I am making sure I am always working on something. Whether it is my mobility, form, strength for a specific lift, or an entirely new movement. I am always trying to get better at something while working on my weakness. For example, for outside the gym, I have a resistance-band at home I work on my mobility with while working. I also have a body bar I try to sit in a squat snatch as long as possible. For inside the gym, working on new things before and after class. Ten-Fifteen minutes a day on movements does add up as long as you keep working on things consistently. During the workouts I always have mini goals in my head for the day I am trying to hit.

What has been the biggest difference maker in the last 3 years of training?
I don’t think you can select one specific “difference maker.” Here is a list of “difference makers” I believe the gym offers as well as what I believe has helped me throughout the years:

1. The Programming.

2. Technique Importance Coaching

3. The helping community of incredible athletes (If you ever need help with a movement or want to learn something new. There is always someone around willing to help);

4. Consistency with Classes (Even on the days where you don’t feel like going, go. You will feel much better after.)

5. Open Gym (This is where you work on everything you can’t during class. The only way to get better with movements is from putting in the reps until it they become muscle memory.)

6. The combination of small and big goals. (Having small goals, you know you can get soon. While also having bigger goals, for way ahead in the future on where you are trying to be.)

What is your next big goal you’re striving for?
I have a couple of benchmarks I would like to hit, but still have a lot of work in order to get to them. Like I really want a 200lb snatch. But Dave said the benchmark for the snatch is 225. So, just small steps and maybe we can get there. Same thing with the clean and jerk for hopefully around 250 one day. But again, small steps and one day at a time. Also, butterfly chest to bar and getting better/more consistent with handstand walks are on the list. I’m sure there are also other things I am missing as well. Just always trying to work on my weaknesses.

You have dealt with injury and come back from it. Is there one piece of advice you can share with those struggling with being sidelined?
Take it “One day at a time.” It will get better even on the days where you think it’s hopeless. You will get through it (I understand some days this does feel like it’s not possible. Just get through the day and you will be one day closer to recovery). When you are first coming back, always take the lighter weight and don’t push yourself until a couple of months being back. If you think there is a possibility you aren’t going to make the lift, like a squat is just getting sticky at the bottom. Don’t do the lift, and just save it for another day. You would rather workout tomorrow than be injured for another couple of months for trying a stupid lift. While I say this, I’m sure I will be an idiot and do exactly this at some point.

In your mind, what area of your fitness have you improved the most in the last 3 years?
Certainly, my technique on the lifts and gymnastic movements. The technique is from drilling what the coaches say in your head while getting the extra reps in during open gym. After a certain point, things just started to click. Regarding gymnastic movements. The whole time prior to getting my first ring muscle up, this movement was a dream since stepping foot into the gym. Recently I’ve been stringing along bar muscle ups and learning handstand walks. I would have never thought I would have been able to get any of these movements, even after the first time I was Athlete of the Month.

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