Customer of the MonthJanuary

Clementine Ferte

Many of you may know Clem from being in class with her and some of you may not have met her at all. She is the perfect example of the saying “She is small but mighty.” We are proud to announce Clem as our first Athlete of the Month in the year 2024. Clem is French and came to the U.S. as an Au Pair. She may be 21 but carries herself with more maturity and poise than an 21 year old I met (myself at that age included.) She is driven and focused in the gym and fits into the vibe of our community so well. It’s great seeing the work ethic day in and day out. I personally have seen Clem stick around or come back to the gym to work on some weaknesses. With ring muscle ups being a goal, now seems like the time to share that we will be drilling them after we complete our handstand progressions. It’s always great to have Clem in class and I have even taken class with her. She’s serious yet she’s always having fun. Clem, keep working hard and there is no doubt you will achieve your goals (and then some). 

Written by: Coach Rob Moloney 

Why did you start functional fitness cross-training?

I came to the USA to be an Au Pair and my host dad introduced me to CrossFit after we ran the boardwalk together and he saw me do ten pull ups, knowing I could keep up with the intensity of the workouts. I immediately liked it, the motivation behind it, the different lifting, the improvement you can see in a few weeks, the variation.

What’s your background?
I started to really have an athletic background in middle school. Unless you count running around and climbing trees when I was a kid an athletic background. It
started with Handball, cross country (1st place 5 years in a row.) Judo/ Jiu Jitsu.
Then in High school I started Rugby 7 as a wingman.

How long have you been doing functional fitness?
I started CrossFit in November 2022, but only started in September 2023 here at Island Park Fitness,

What is your favorite thing about the gym?
I love the spirit, how people compliment each other, the encouragement. I find it easier to workout with a group than alone, there’s more motivation. There’s also always someone willing to help out. And everyone is nice !

What is the biggest challenge you have overcome since joining the gym?
When I managed to up the PR on my deadlift which I didn’t think could happen since I’m
a tiny person. Shutting up my brain when it’s telling me I can’t do something when I
know I can and then achieving it. And achieving a strict muscle up.

What is your favorite moment at the gym so far?
Getting to be Athlete of the month ! (didn’t see that coming) and Partner Saturdays.

What’s your favorite “cheat” food?
My favorite cheat foods are probably ice cream and chocolate.

What would you say to someone who is thinking about starting?
Go for it. It’s a good way to gain results fast, and gain satisfaction quickly. A good way to overachieve too. Everybody’s at their own pace so no one is judging you in any way and it’s a pleasant community.

What drives you?
The people, the goals set. How it feels like anything that would be troubling you outside, does not exist as soon as you step in the gym, it’s all behind. It’s a good way to unwind or blow off some steam too.

What is your biggest fitness goal right now?
I want to set a new PR for my deadlift, manage to last a good amount of time on a handstand, and also getting to do a ring muscle up.

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