Customer of the MonthJune

Jamie Demerest

Our June honor goes to a 5:30am regular and extremely dedicated athlete. Jamie Demerest joined our community just 6 months ago with her sister after training elsewhere. Consistency is something we all strive for as a daily habit, but at 5:30am is another story. Although she is the youngest in class most days, Jamie is one of the most hard working and respectable individuals to work in the gym. It’s really exciting to get someone in class who leaves another gym and is extremely coachable. Many people are set in their ways and tend to be hard to communicate with. Coachability to a great quality. As you read through her Q&A, it would be hard to find something you don’t relate to. Jamie was a college athlere, she loves the community, hero wods pizza, root beer, volleyball and family. Sounds like a great person to be around. Jamie, thanks for being open to learning new skills and giving us your best. Keep working hard!

Written by: Coach Rob Moloney

Why did you start functional fitness cross-training?

After college I had a goal to become stronger, particularly in the weight room. I loved lifting and working out and wanted to continue that path by creating new challenges for myself. One of my brothers is a CrossFit coach so he suggested that I try it. Best decision ever.

What’s your background? (Athletic) 
I was a swimmer my whole life, I swam in high school and continued in college at SUNY Oneonta. I also ran a little track back in the day and currently play volleyball for fun.

How long have you been a member and how long have you been doing functional fitness? 
I have been a member at Island Park Fitness since February 2023, and I’ve been doing CrossFit/functional fitness since September 2019.


What is your favorite thing about the gym? There are so many things I love about Island Park Fitness, one of them being their programming. We practice and learn so many different movements, and each workout has an intention behind it that leads to a bigger goal. I also like how every movement can be modified based on your needs/abilities. I feel like the workouts here are designed to motivate and challenge you, not to discourage you.
Along with the programming, I also love how supportive the community is, as well as how patriotic the gym is. I think it’s awesome how we always honor our first responders and military members, both past and present.

What is the biggest challenge you have overcome since joining the gym?
My confidence. The atmosphere at a cross-training gym can be intimidating at times, but the coaches and members of the gym always make it known that they’re there to help me and motivate me. Their guidance and support has given me the confidence to step up to any challenge and not sell myself short of a task.

What is your favorite moment at the gym so far? 
The MURPH challenge this past Memorial Day. Right before the workout coach Rob paid tribute to LT. Michael P. Murphy and played the national anthem by Chris Stapleton. He said there are so many places around the world that don’t have the privilege that we do, to be here and do what we love every day. This moment gave me a new appreciation for not only the gym and the sport of CrossFit itself, but for this great country we live in, and for those who sacrifice their lives for our freedom. It was a great workout and a great day.

What’s your favorite “cheat” food?
A slice of pizza and an ice-cold root beer.

What would you say to someone who is thinking about starting?
Starting is the hardest part. We were all beginners at some point, and everyone will welcome you and support you no matter your age or abilities. Cross-training can be hard at times, but it’s also very rewarding. Something that helped me start was starting with a friend! Well my sister that is. Having her around definitely made the transition easier. We help motivate each other and hold one another accountable. I would also suggest coming to a Saturday morning class when we do partner WODs. Working out with someone makes the class fun and gets you out of your comfort zone!

What drives you?
My family. Physical fitness is something my parents always taught me and my siblings to value and prioritize, and it’s made me who I am. I like living an active, healthy lifestyle and I want to keep discovering what my body is capable of. Mental health is a big drive too. Whenever I’m having a bad day, I can always look forward to relieving some stress at the gym. It’s my happy place.


What is your biggest fitness goal right now?Being so young I have a lot of goals in mind, but my biggest ones right now are just to get stronger each day, to keep challenging myself, and to keep learning and growing as a person and athlete.

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