Customer of the MonthJuly

Mike DeRise

Sorry for the delay on the post, but his photo has been on the wall all month. Congrats to Mike DeRise on our July honor. He is a 6:45am regular and a genuinely good dude. If Mike gives you a compliment, he really means it. He’s not just blowing smoke up your ass. As you read his Q&A you will most likely relate in some way. It could be the love for pizza and tacos, it could be having played sports growing up or it could be getting in your own way mentally at times. It proves that we are in it together working to improve our fitness but sharing our experiences outside the gym walls that can help as well. One healthy habit Mike got into suring the spring and I’m sure plans to return to it is a daily morning cold plunge. He did express how much he enjoyed beginning each day with that and how much clarity he would have mentally from it. One of the cooler moments in the gym with Mike was cueing him along with Coach Ryan to get the technque back for ring muscle ups. Now the goal is consistency to string a couple together. Keep working hard and keep being the role model you are for your kids. 

Written by: Coach Rob Moloney

Why did you start functional fitness cross-training? 

I started after doing a few boot camp classes and enjoying it but wanted something with more weight training and strength building.

What’s your background? (Athletic) 
I played football, track and wrestling in high school.  In college I was on the track team doing most of the field events and the 100 meter dash. In law school I played rugby.

How long have you been a member and how long have you been doing functional fitness? 
I joined IP in September of 2022 and started doing functional fitness/ crossfit in 2014 but stepped away from it in 2017.

What is your favorite thing about the gym? 
The people and the energy. Every morning I am there, the friendly faces and people who are striving to a similar goal that I keeps me motivated and coming back for more.

What is the biggest challenge you have overcome since joining the gym?
Getting out of my own head and the excuses I used to make for myself why I couldn’t do it and that I didn’t have time.

What is your favorite moment at the gym so far? 
There have been many, most recently it was being able to do a ring muscle up again, I haven’t been able to do one since 2017 so that was a great feeling and moment I will remember. 

What’s your favorite “cheat” food? 
haha oh boy many but I like pizza, tacos, tortilla chips and pecan pie.

What would you say to someone who is thinking about starting? 
While it may seem daunting at first and difficult, it is one of the best things I have done for myself in the last few years, and in doing that it has made every other part of my life better. It really is life changing.


What drives you? 
My sons. I want to set an example for them that they can be proud of and someone to look up to.

What is your biggest fitness goal right now? 
I am trying to increase my v02 max into the 50s so I can improve on engine style workouts.

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