Customer of the MonthJanuary

John Evans

It didn’t take too long after John started here to see that he was a good fit. We are lucky that he was detailed to Coach Casey’s firehouse and Casey brought him in. Our monthly honorees come from all different personal and athletic backgrounds. John is a Rockaway guy who went to Xavier HS. We immediately realized we knew some of the same people. John is a natural athlete and extremely humble person. There’s no one moment or a spectacular improvement that has highlighted the decision to name John Athlete of the Month. His work ethic, coachability, sportsmanship and character made it an easy decision for the coaches to select him. One response Jophn has below is identical to one I had in my first year in this style gym. Justifying the cost is tough for a kid in his early/mid 20’s who enjoys the nightlife. If you stay in one night a month from going out, it pays for your month. When I was bartending, it was one shift or maybe even less that paid for it. It’s good to hear that similar from John and I certainly appreciate the sacrifice of a night of fun for keeping your body in top shape. I look forward to the progress John continues to make in the gym. He already got a few bar muscle ups. I see some more higher skills in the near future. Keep it up John!

Written by: Coach Rob Moloney

Why did you start functional fitness cross-training?

I began this type of training because I was looking for something more out of the gym. I was tired of doing the basic/conventional “Bro Workouts” over and over again. I had researched this style at a very basic level and decided to give some of the movements a try. Luckily (and unluckily) for me Casey was present one of the first times I attempted this style at the firehouse gym. He immediately started making fun of how clueless I was and how an injury was almost guaranteed if I didn’t seek out proper coaching. He invited me to the gym the next day. So I guess you can say my motivation was a combo of curiosity and being bullied by Casey.

What’s your background? (Athletic) 
Like most kids in my neighborhood I grew up playing basketball, baseball, soccer, and swam all at the CYO level. Once I reached high school I shifted my focus solely to basketball and played 4 years at Xavier high school. I then attended Providence College where I played rugby for 4 years……but that was more for the “social” aspect of the sport.

How long have you been a member and how long have you been doing functional fitness? 
I have been a member since May of 2022 so that is about as long as I’ve been doing functional fitness. Definitely still a rookie with a long way to go.

What is your favorite thing about the gym? 
My favorite thing about the gym is the combination of community and competitiveness that comes along with it. Being surrounded by people who are in shape and care about their fitness is contagious and helps a lot on days where you may not feel like going to the gym. It also helps when you think you’re tank is on empty during a workout. A quick look around at all the other members working hard has helped me a great deal in keeping the intensity up all the way through the end of a workout.

What is the biggest challenge you have overcome since joining the gym? 
Probably this homework assignment! But in all seriousness, I would say staying patient and understanding you need to walk before you can run. This was so new to me
when I first joined and learning all the new movements in front of a group of people I
had never met was intimidating. The coaches helped so much in that regard and
eliminated any ideas of ego lifting I had in my head. Sacrificing proper form for an extra few pounds is not worth it and that was something that humbled me almost immediately.

What is your favorite moment at the gym so far? 

I would say having my brother Dylan join the gym. Especially after all of the smack he talked when he initially heard I was joining a “CrossFit Gym”. To see him enjoy it now as much as I do, while at the same time watching him eat all of his words, has been rewarding to say the least.

What’s your favorite “cheat” food? 
Goldfish. Ask anyone that knows me and they’ll have the answer for you before you’re done with the question. There’s a good chance I’ve eaten billions in my lifetime and I would put good money on that.

What would you say to someone who is thinking about starting? 

Don’t think just do it. The only thing that ever held me back from joining a gym like this was how expensive it seemed compared to a conventional gym. Living in Long Beach you can go out on any given Friday/Saturday/Sunday and spend that amount of money at the bar. Take one of those nights out a month and there’s your membership. Considering how great I’ve felt since joining, I would say thats a no brainer.

What drives you? 
I just want to look and feel as good as I can at the end of the day. I’m fortunate enough to have my dream job which demands a certain amount of physical fitness so I want to make sure I can do that for as long as possible. I also, can still hear Casey yelling in my ear telling me he’s about 15 years older than me and that I needed to keep up with him. So now even if I wanted to leave, I feel like I can’t because of him.

What is your biggest fitness goal right now?
My diet for sure. I feel Iike Ill never see the results I want unless I become more disciplined with my diet. My goal is to continue to work with all the awesome coaches that have helped me so far to hopefully take that next leap. I’ve been skinny-fat my whole life, maybe we can change that.

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