Customer of the MonthMarch

John Hamlet

Congrats to John Hamlet on being our March Athlete of the Month. This is a very delayed post being it’s the end of the month but it’s not his fault. John was the fastest to ever respond to the questions below. He is the second straight 6:45am member to hold this honor and he is 1000% deserving. When you read his answers, you will notice something most of you may have gone through mentally at one point. You had skipped class because something was new, or too challenging, or you didn’t have that skill yet. It was easy to skip out. John decided to not take that route for long and take on the challenges. It is continuing to pay off. Not because he is now an athlete of the month but because he’s transformed. He’s enjoying the process, progressing in strengths as well as skills and feels great doing it. Committing to something is not easy but can be so worth it. John is personable, coachable and is a team player. I’m glad we selected him for this honor and I’m happy to be a part of his fitness success. Keep moving forward!

Written by: Coach Rob Moloney

Why did you start functional fitness cross-training?

Two years ago I got sober and needed to change my health. I started going to Hollywood health with my buddy. Before that I never was a consistent gym goer. It helped me get on track but it got to the point where I felt stagnant. I wasn’t giving myself that extra push I needed. So i joined island park fitness. I wanted to try something new, and more challenging and push myself to more levels I haven’t been able to reach in the past. 

What’s your background?
Younger I was always a pretty good athlete. Not the best but good hold my own. I played lacrosse in high school but nothing further than that. Currently I play volleyball in two leagues and strive to better my play. I definitely think training here has helped improve my game. 

How long have you been a member and how long have you been doing functional fitness? 
I joined in April 2023. It’s been a year only. But an amazing one. 

What is your favorite thing about the gym? 
It’s tough to narrow it down to just one. But I really enjoy the coaches and the people. It’s made me enjoy working out. 

What is the biggest challenge you have overcome since joining the gym? 
Learning new movements and dropping weight.

What is your favorite moment at the gym so far? 
Seeing my progress. When I first started I couldn’t do kipping pull ups or toes to bar. Those come pretty easy to me now. I was scared to clean and snatch. Now I’m not skipping that class. My jump rope has progressed.  But there’s always room for improvement and I’m excited to continue down this path.

What’s your favorite “cheat” food? 
Pizza always. But cookies are tough for me to resist too. 

What would you say to someone who is thinking about starting? 
Dont doubt yourself. Have confidence but don’t be afraid to ask for help. And go to as many classes as you can.

What drives you?
Progress, learning new things, results. I’m also pretty competitive. So I really enjoy the competitive part of it as well.

What is your biggest fitness goal right now?
I signed up for the NYC marathon. (Waiting to hear back to see if I can run for charity)It will be my first one. Looking to finish in under 4 hours. Six pack abs would be nice too. 


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