Customer of the MonthMarch

Pam Regan

We are proud to name Pam Regan our March 2023 Athlete of the Month. It was a surprise to Pam when I told her because she said “I’m not a rockstar athlete like these others.” One thing I have said over and over again is that this title is not about being the best or having the top lifts. Pam is someone who is relatable when you read her Q&A. Some of you may feel the same way when reading her favorite moment in the gym or cheat food or current goals. Pam is a mom of 2 and her entire family has been members of this gym at some point. She keeps her health a priority and makes sure she sets an example for her kids. Pam did start in here as part of our “fitness” group never realizing they were all doing the same stuff as “crossfit.” We know much of what we do is intimidating but we see the capabilities in everyone and look to offer ways to bring those out. Pam has done that through her consistency. My most memorable gym moment of Pam is when she did her first pull-up with no assistance. She put in the hard work with modifications and building up high pull weight. It was cool to experience that. If you’re in class with her, talk to Pam. She is awesome and is so personable. Pam, keep being the smart athlete and know that you are a rockstar. 

Written by: Coach Rob Moloney

Why did you start functional fitness cross-training?

I started cross-training because my daughter took the teen class that was being offered at the time and I saw that it offered something different than a traditional gym. There were no treadmills, no stair-climbers, and it actually looked like fun. For me, going to a traditional gym definitely wasn’t fun and it was primarily a solo event. The only class at a regular gym that I liked was kick-boxing, which was done with others, so I felt like cross-training would be a nice change for me that I could do in a group setting. 

What’s your background? (Athletic) 
I really don’t have much of an athletic background at all. I grew up in Texas, which was all about football, so I did other things like swim (on occasion), rode my mountain bike on trails through the woods and made random attempts at running just to stay in some kind of physical shape. I also had a brief stint of gymnastics in middle school. 

How long have you been a member and how long have you been doing functional fitness? 
I’ve been a member since Aug. of 2017; the classes offered at the time were Fitness & CrossFit. My mission wasn’t to get huge, but just to get in shape/toned, so I started with the Fitness class that was offered every other day. As the programs have changed and evolved, I started coming more often.

What is your favorite thing about the gym?
The people and the coaches! I’m very much a people-person and need the interaction, especially since the pandemic. Getting out and seeing my gym friends is really good for my stupid mental health and very motivating, as we’re all doing the same thing together. I’ve also made some really good friends at the gym that I probably wouldn’t have gotten to know otherwise. 

What is the biggest challenge you have overcome since joining the gym?
I think recovering & getting back into working out after injuries. All of us have injuries from time to time and have to take time off and sometimes be away from the gym. Getting back into it and getting stronger has always been somewhat challenging b/c I always feel like I’m starting over and it takes time to get back into it.  

What is your favorite moment at the gym so far?
There have been many favorite moments for me at the gym. I’ve always liked the events like Barbells for Boobs & the Open and I especially liked when we used to play the games (bring those back!)-like the cone game, hungry hippos, etc. I also like when we do fun/different things like scaling the box wall and team relays.  

What’s your favorite “cheat” food?
I’m a sucker for Doritos (the Red bag) and vanilla ice cream w/Hershey’s syrup. I’m also a huge fan of chips & salsa/guacamole. 

What would you say to someone who is thinking about starting?
I would tell people, if I can do this, so can you! I would also emphasize the fact that our gym isn’t intimidating…we aren’t all huge muscle-y beasts and it caters to everyone, whether you’re 17 or 67. There is always an alternative to the exercises so those that aren’t as advanced or are injured can do them. And no one cares what version of the wod you do, there’s no judging, as we’re all in it together. I would also say that it’s fun! The coaches make it fun (luv those Questions of the Day), we’re always doing something different and the coaches are helpful and mindful if someone is doing an exercise incorrectly or has any limitations. 

What drives you?
The need to keep busy, to be doing something at all times. I’m not a person that can sit around and do nothing (maybe that’s a fault), but I need to get out and interact with others and staying active at the gym is one of those things that does that for me. 

What is your biggest fitness goal right now?
My fitness goal now is just to continue to stay in shape by going to the gym 3-4 days/week and to continue to eat well (staying away from the Doritos). Summer is coming so I would like to start the season in a good place health-wise. 

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